Wednesday 28 March 2018


I - Interviewer
PE - Possible Employee

I: Hello, and welcome to this Skype interview, I have reviewed your profile and you are a possible candidate for this positions. So tell me a little about who you are.

PE: I am a current member of the Christmas Sleigher movie coming out next year. I am in charge of finding a distributor and getting audience feedback to improve our movie.

So far we have only created a movie opening, however we have spent hours, researching and engaging with the target, secondary and on some occasions, people we wouldn't even consider as a audience.

I: Wonderful, now tell me, on your CV it says how you are actively using something called "Microsoft Teams" to communicate and release rough cuts of your film to an audience, tell me more about this.

PE: Yes, I have used this program many times for feedback and possible help from another film production group, where we have shared opinions about each others movies. We have also received feedback from an older audience and younger. We have used this program to interact with ages ranging from 14 - 40+ years. This has helped us immensely and has shown us just how important it is to engage with an audience. It's how we will sell our product after all.

*person walks in and starts messing about trying to "steal" the show. Messes about and is overall silly, PE ignores everything going on behind him*

I: I think someone has walked in..

PE: Don't worry about him/her s/he always does this..

I: ok... Anyways, you mention how social media is a great way to market your film, there surely must be other opportunities you can offer us.

PE: Yes, generating hype is one thing however, it is useless if no one knows about the film. For this we would need a professional company who are willing to take the financial risk to market our movie, henceforth the distributor comes into play. As this is an indie company I am applying to, therefore we would have to be realistic and try to find a distributor who not only specialises in our genre, but also one who is willing to take that risk as said before. This could be very hard for this company at times as we would most likely make micro-budget movies with a more social realist genre than your typical americanised, over stereotyped hollywood movie. I mean we don't want the same to happen like our competitors warp and their movie Tyrannosaur haha.

I: That's quite good, i'm impressed, however how would we even get noticed? What happens if wouldn't get any distribution?

*person gets bored and walks out*

PE: This can happen too but that only means we have to work harder to get our movie to the right company.. no biggie. First we would need to try and get screenings everywhere and we would most definitely want to screen in London, TIFF, Sundance and other famous film festivals. A simple screening in London could show our movie to lots of distributors who might be interested in taking us. However, if this fails we would try and distribute onto Amazon, Netflix and even Hulu. Getting onto Amazon and Hulu isn't as difficult as Netflix. On Netflix we need to be nominated onto the "Queue demand" list, meaning we will already have needed to market our film. Amazon and Hulu we can use an aggregator, where we pay a small fee and they will immensely help our chances to getting onto both services.

I: And if all else fails, then what?

*Person returns with cutting board and starts cutting cucumbers in the background, the proceeds to eat them very loudly*

PE: I would try getting financing from financing companies such as FILM4 or even get government grants. This has been used in the past and would benefit us. *under breath* excuse me could you plese be quiet!

I: (Awkardly waits a few seconds) Alright, I'm very impressed with you so far, you seem like a valid candidate. I will get back to you within 4 weeks and we will create a contract. Thank you for your time!

PE: Thank you, look forward to see what happens! Goodbye!

I: Bye!

*0.5 seconds before the call ends PE turns around violently and is in a threatening stance*

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